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Switching to Pea Mince for Healthier, Sustainable School Meals

by Ellie Grubb on 9.10.2024

At schools, offering nutritious, sustainable, and appealing meals for students is essential. One school, tipped to be 'one of the healthiest primary schools in the UK'* Washingborough Academy, decided to make a positive change by switching from a popular frozen meat replacement to Novo Farina Quick Hydrate Pea Mince, delivering a healthier, more sustainable option to their students.

Challenges in Introducing New Ingredients

Introducing new ingredients or recipes to students can be challenging. Students often judge the food first by how it looks, and if it seems tasty, they are more likely to give it a try - especially after hearing positive feedback from their friends. Washingborough Academy discovered that once students tried pea mince and liked it, they were eager to try it again, making it easier to incorporate this new ingredient into their regular menu.

Experience with Plant-Based Alternatives

The primary school is no stranger to plant-based and pulse alternatives. Some of the meals already on their menu include:

  • Sweet potato and lentil curry
  • Lentil vegetable burgers
  • Crushed chickpea wraps
  • Chickpea and vegetable curry
  • Mexican mixed bean wraps
  • Baked bean wraps

The addition of pea protein has been a significant step forward in continuing their commitment to healthier, plant-based options.

Selecting Ingredients: Nutrition, Application, and Affordability

When choosing ingredients for their school meals, the school focuses on three essential criteria:

  1. Nutritional Value: Ensuring the meals provide the right nutrients for growing children.
  2. Application Versatility: The ingredients need to be adaptable and easy to use across different dishes.
  3. Affordability: The ingredients need to fit within the school’s budget while maintaining quality.

With these in mind, plant-based mince has proven to be an ideal fit, providing a healthy, versatile, and cost-effective solution.

Pea Mince: A Versatile and 'Positively Bland' Meat Replacement

When it comes to cooking with pea mince, the Washingborough Academy's Head Chef has found it to be incredibly versatile and easy to use. Compared to frozen meat replacement products, pea mince offers more robust taste and a pleasing texture, making it a fantastic meat replacement. It has worked well in a variety of dishes, including pasta, tacos, and chili.

Encouraging Students to Try Pea Mince

Getting students to try new foods can be tricky, but this school took a smart approach. They introduced ‘Meat-Free Monday’, using pea mince in a fun and engaging way to make trying new foods exciting. They also offered small samples of pea mince dishes to let students test the waters before serving full meals. This method helped build curiosity and enthusiasm among students, leading to more positive reactions to plant-based meals.


The switch to Novo Farina Pea Mince has allowed Washingborough Academy to offer a wider range of healthy, more sustainable meals to their students while also supporting local businesses. The locally-produced, allergen-free, and versatile nature of pea mince has made it a valuable addition to their menu, ensuring students enjoy nutritious meals that are good for both their health and the environment.

This case study demonstrates the potential of pea protein to enhance school menus with sustainable, plant-based ingredients that appeal to students, meet nutritional needs, and align with the school’s sustainability goals.

Interested in learning how pea mince can benefit your foodservice operations? Contact us today to explore our plant-based solutions.

#Sustainability #PlantBased #PeaProtein #SchoolMeals #HealthyEating #AllergenFree #FoodService #NovoFarina #SustainableNutrition 

*according to Schools Week - Link to article